Regression with Julia!

Julia Regression Visualization

Running regression with GLM.jl in Julia

Winnie Wing-Yee Tse


Before we start, I encourage you to uncomment the codes below and install the required packages that you do not have for this tutorial.

using Plots, StatsPlots
#= uncomment below to install packages
using Pkg
Pkg.add(["RDatasets", "Pipe", "DataFrames", "GLM",
        "Plots", "StatPlots"])

Prior to running regression analyses, let me briefly go over three essential packages, Pipe, RDatasets, DataFrames, in handling data frames in Julia.

Brief Introduction to the Package Pipe

The package Pipe improves the base pipe operator (|>) in Julia. It allows you to represent the object that is piped from with an underscore _ in the functions that follow. For example, sqrt(sum([1, 2, 3])) involve two commands – one applied to [1, 2, 3] and the other one applied to sum([1, 2, 3]). We can pipe these commands, stemming from the [1, 2, 3] object, using @pipe together with |>, as illustrated below.

using Pipe
@pipe [1, 2, 3] |> sum(_) |> sqrt(_)

The above code might have overkilled this simple task of taking a sqaure root of a sum, but piping will become very useful in handling a long series of commands. For more details of Pipe, please read the julia tutorial on [pipe] (

Brief Introduction to the Package RDatasets

The package RDatasets provides most of the base R datasets for Julia users to play around. We will be using the dataset bfi from the R package psych in this tutorial to explore regression analyses in Julia.

Let’s read in the dataset bfi and drop out missing values.

using RDatasets
# show(RDatasets.datasets("psych"), allrows=true)
bfi = @pipe dataset("psych", "bfi") |> dropmissing(_)
["Variable", "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "E
1", "E2", "E3", "E4", "E5", "N1", "N2", "N3", "N4", "N5", "O1", "O2", "O3",
 "O4", "O5", "Gender", "Education", "Age"]

For a complete R documentation of this dataset, please refer to [this] (

Brief Introduction to the Package DataFrames

For simplicity, let’s wrangle our data and sum over the scores on the columns for agreeableness (A1 to A5) and for contienciousness (C1 to C5). Gender is a numeric variable in the original dataset, while it should better be treated as a binary variable. Let’s also convert it into a categorical array using categorical.

transform() has similar function as mutate() in R, with which we can transform a column and save it into a new column in a dataframe. The operator => is pretty intuitive. In the first transform statment down below, we are basically asking Julia to take the columns between A1 and A5 in bfi, transform them by summing scores on the same row (=> ByRow(+)), and then save these transformed data into a new column called Asum.

Note that to call a column in a dataframe, we need to place an colon : before the column name.

using DataFrames
bfi = @pipe bfi |> 
            transform(_, Between(:A1, :A5) => ByRow(+) => :Asum) |> 
            transform(_, Between(:C1, :C5) => ByRow(+) => :Csum) |>
            transform(_, :Gender => categorical => :Gender_bin)
describe(select(bfi, Between(:Asum, :Gender_bin)))
3×7 DataFrame
 Row │ variable    mean     min  median  max  nmissing  eltype             
     │ Symbol      Union…   Any  Union…  Any  Int64     DataType           
   1 │ Asum        21.1632  5    22.0    30          0  Int64              
   2 │ Csum        19.0501  5    19.0    30          0  Int64
   3 │ Gender_bin           1            2           0  CategoricalValue{In
                                                                1 column om

describe() provides summary statistics of the selected columns of our newly created variables from Asum to Gender_bin. As can be seen in the summary table, Gender_bin has a data type of CategoricalValue{Int64,UInt32}. Through that way in our following regression analysis, gender will be treated as a categorical variable and automatically dummy coded.

For data wrangling in Julia using the package Dataframes, a [cheatsheet] ( may come in handy here. I am a beginner Julia and Dataframes user. If you have a better way to optimize my codes, please let me know and I will be more than happy to learn it!

Linear Regression

Below are some summary statistics and a snapshot of the variables of interest for the following analyses.

describe(select(bfi, Between(:Education, :Gender_bin)))
5×7 DataFrame
 Row │ variable    mean     min  median  max  nmissing  eltype             
     │ Symbol      Union…   Any  Union…  Any  Int64     DataType           
   1 │ Education   3.19141  1    3.0     5           0  Int64              
   2 │ Age         29.5103  3    26.0    86          0  Int64
   3 │ Asum        21.1632  5    22.0    30          0  Int64
   4 │ Csum        19.0501  5    19.0    30          0  Int64
   5 │ Gender_bin           1            2           0  CategoricalValue{In
t64 ⋯
                                                                1 column om
first(select(bfi, Between(:Education, :Gender_bin)), 5)
5×5 DataFrame
 Row │ Education  Age    Asum   Csum   Gender_bin
     │ Int64      Int64  Int64  Int64  Cat…
   1 │         3     21     28     22  2
   2 │         2     19     14     15  1
   3 │         1     21     24     17  1
   4 │         1     17     14     19  1
   5 │         5     68     23     18  1

In our sample, do older people tend to be more agreeable than younger people? We can fit a linear model with Age as the predictor and Asum, the sum scores of agreeableness, as the outcome variable, and determine whether there is a positive association between these two variables.

The package GLM provides convenient ways that are analogous to the R functions lm() and glm() to specify linear models in Julia.

To build a linear model, we use lm(), specify the model equation within @formula(), and indicate the dataset after the formula.

using GLM
lm1 = lm(@formula(Asum ~ Age), bfi)

Asum ~ 1 + Age

                  Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%   Upper 95%
(Intercept)  20.4382     0.225823    90.51    <1e-99  19.9954    20.8811
Age           0.0245685  0.00719702   3.41    0.0007   0.010455   0.0386821

Unlike R, we do not need to additionally summarize lm1 to get a summary table of the outputs.

Equivalent to lm(), we can use the fit() function with the LinearModel argument.

fit1 = fit(LinearModel, @formula(Asum ~ Age), bfi)

Asum ~ 1 + Age

                  Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%   Upper 95%
(Intercept)  20.4382     0.225823    90.51    <1e-99  19.9954    20.8811
Age           0.0245685  0.00719702   3.41    0.0007   0.010455   0.0386821

lm(...) and fit(LinearModel, ...) do not differ in their type, output, and functionality. A quick check on their type:


which are essentially the same.

Extracting Model Information

We can use coef(), stderror(), and vcov() to extract coefficient estimates and standard errors of the coefficents, and the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates, respectively.

2-element Array{Float64,1}:
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
  0.0509959   -0.00152855
 -0.00152855   5.17971e-5

To obtain statistics for model fit, we can use r2 for R^2 and deviance() for the weighted residual sum of squares.


predict() computes the predicted values of each individual in our sample.

2236-element Array{Float64,1}:

!!! note “Follow-up Practice (1)” Let’s try to run a linear model to investigate whether contiouenciousness is predicted by education. How much variance is explained by this model?

Multiple Regression

We may suspect that the difference in agreeableness over years of age depend on someone’s education level. To investigate this, we can add an interation between Age and Education on Asum by Age & Education. Typically when we add an interaction term to a model, we include also the main effects of the variables. A shorthand of specifying both the main effects and interaction between the variables is Age * Education.

# the models below are equivalent
lm(@formula(Asum ~ Age + Education + Age & Education), bfi)

Asum ~ 1 + Age + Education + Age & Education

                      Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)   Lower 95%    Upp
er 95%
(Intercept)      19.4241      0.651563   29.81    <1e-99  18.1463     20.70
Age               0.0831532   0.0211002   3.94    <1e-4    0.0417752   0.12
Education         0.273547    0.200684    1.36    0.1730  -0.119999    0.66
Age & Education  -0.016346    0.0061294  -2.67    0.0077  -0.0283659  -0.00
lm(@formula(Asum ~ Age * Education), bfi)

Asum ~ 1 + Age + Education + Age & Education

                      Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)   Lower 95%    Upp
er 95%
(Intercept)      19.4241      0.651563   29.81    <1e-99  18.1463     20.70
Age               0.0831532   0.0211002   3.94    <1e-4    0.0417752   0.12
Education         0.273547    0.200684    1.36    0.1730  -0.119999    0.66
Age & Education  -0.016346    0.0061294  -2.67    0.0077  -0.0283659  -0.00

!!! note “Follow-up Practice (2)” Let’s fit a model to explore whether there is an interaction between education and gender (Gender_bin) on contienciousness. How much did the variance explained by the model increasecompared to the model without the interaction (in reference to Practice (1)) increase?

Probit Regression

For the illustrative purpose, I arbitrarily define that a sum score above 20 out of 25 is a high score of agreeableness and dichotomize Asum to 1 or 0 accordingly.

bfi = @pipe transform(bfi, 
                      :Asum => ByRow(function(x) 
                                        if x >= 20 1 
                                        else 0 
                               => :Abin);
describe(select(bfi, :Abin))
1×7 DataFrame
 Row │ variable  mean     min    median   max    nmissing  eltype
     │ Symbol    Float64  Int64  Float64  Int64  Int64     DataType
   1 │ Abin      0.70975      0      1.0      1         0  Int64

Now because our outcome variable is a binary variable, it is more appropriate to model it with a binomial distribution and a probit link.

lm_probit = glm(@formula(Abin ~ Age), bfi, Binomial(), ProbitLink())

Abin ~ 1 + Age

                  Coef.  Std. Error     z  Pr(>|z|)   Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)  0.319024    0.0832706   3.83    0.0001  0.155816    0.482231
Age          0.00798517  0.00269249  2.97    0.0030  0.00270799  0.0132623

An equivalent way to specify this probit model is

fit(GeneralizedLinearModel, @formula(Abin ~ Age), bfi, Binomial(), ProbitLink())

Abin ~ 1 + Age

                  Coef.  Std. Error     z  Pr(>|z|)   Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)  0.319024    0.0832706   3.83    0.0001  0.155816    0.482231
Age          0.00798517  0.00269249  2.97    0.0030  0.00270799  0.0132623

Our probit model is as follows. \[ \Phi^{-1}(\text{High_Agreeableness}) = 0.319 + 0.008 \text{Age} \]

For a person of age 20, the predicted probit of scoring high on agreeableness is 0.479.

Note that the coefficients are probability z-scores and the prediction is a probit. To translate a probit back to a probability, we could use cdf() in the Distributions package.

Normal() by default specifies a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

using Distributions
cdf(Normal(), .479)

The predicted probability of someone at age 20 scoring high on agreeablness is 68.4%.

Logistic Regression

An alternative way to handle binary outcome variables is through logistic regression.

lm_logit = glm(@formula(Abin ~ Age), bfi, Binomial(), LogitLink())

Abin ~ 1 + Age

                 Coef.  Std. Error     z  Pr(>|z|)   Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)  0.497558   0.139339    3.57    0.0004  0.224458    0.770657
Age          0.0135925  0.00455195  2.99    0.0028  0.00467084  0.0225141

Similarly, an equivalent way to specify this logistic model is

fit(GeneralizedLinearModel, @formula(Abin ~ Age), bfi, Binomial(), LogitLink())

Abin ~ 1 + Age

                 Coef.  Std. Error     z  Pr(>|z|)   Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)  0.497558   0.139339    3.57    0.0004  0.224458    0.770657
Age          0.0135925  0.00455195  2.99    0.0028  0.00467084  0.0225141

Now our logistic model is as follows. \[ logit(\text{High_Agreeableness}) = 0.498 + 0.014 \text{Age} \]

For a person of age 20, the predicted logit of scoring high on agreeableness is 0.778. Now the prediction is represented in terms of logit. To make it more interpretable, we can simply exponentiate the logit to get the odds ratio, or use the following formula to get the probability:

\[ \hat{\pi} = \frac{exp(0.498 + 0.014)}{1 + exp(0.498 + 0.014)} \]

where \hat{\pi} is the predicted probability of someone scoring high on agreeableness.

exp(.778)/(1 + exp(.778))

Consistent with the result from probit regression, the predicted probability of someone at age 20 scoring high on agreeablness is 68.5%.


Let’s cover the answers of Follow-up Practice (1) and (2) here.

# Practice (1)
lm3 = fit(LinearModel, @formula(Csum ~ Education), bfi)

Csum ~ 1 + Education

                Coef.  Std. Error       t  Pr(>|t|)   Lower 95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)  18.5942    0.176512   105.34    <1e-99  18.2481     18.9403
Education     0.14285   0.0522318    2.73    0.0063   0.0404219   0.245278
# Practice (2)
lm4 = fit(LinearModel, @formula(Csum ~ Education*Gender_bin), bfi)

Csum ~ 1 + Education + Gender_bin + Education & Gender_bin

                                Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)   Lower 
95%  Upper 95%
(Intercept)                18.9793      0.287144   66.10    <1e-99  18.4162
Education                   0.0693464   0.0844421   0.82    0.4116  -0.0962
469   0.23494
Gender_bin: 2              -0.607298    0.364028   -1.67    0.0954  -1.3211
7     0.106571
Education & Gender_bin: 2   0.119855    0.10743     1.12    0.2647  -0.0908
195   0.330529

Note that Gender_bin is dummy coded with male (1) as 0 and female (2) as 1. The default in GLM is dummy coding, but we can specify a different contrast coding. More details on contrast coding can be found [here] (

# extracting coefficients
lm3_b0, lm3_b1 = coef(lm3);
lm4_b0, lm4_b1, lm4_b2, lm4_b3 = coef(lm4);

We will use the package Plots for visualizing the relationship between variables in the fitted models. The package StatsPlots is an extension of Plots that supports plotting with DataFrame objects.

@df bfi scatter(
    group = :Gender, 
    legend = :bottomright, 
    label = ["Male" "Female"], 
    xlabel = "Education", 
    ylabel = "Contientiousness") 
plot!((x) -> lm3_b0 + lm3_b1 * x, 1, 5, label = "Linear Model")

@df bfi scatter(
    group = :Gender, 
    legend = :bottomright, 
    label = ["Male" "Female"], 
    xlabel = "Education", 
    ylabel = "Contienciousness", 
plot!((x) -> lm4_b0 + lm4_b1 * x + lm4_b2 * 0 + lm4_b2 * x * 0, 
      1, 5, label = "Male", linecolor = "blue")
plot!((x) -> lm4_b0 + lm4_b1 * x + lm4_b2 * 1 + lm4_b2 * x * 1, 
      1, 5, label = "Female", linecolor = "red")

I also made reference to this webpage to create the plots above.

Perhaps because the “research questions” I posed here were not so interesting, there was not much interesting to observe from the analysis outputs and the plots. But I hope you enjoy this tutorial in doing regression analyses with Julia :)


For attribution, please cite this work as

Tse (2021, Feb. 11). Measurement & Multilevel Modeling Lab: Regression with Julia!. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Tse, Winnie Wing-Yee},
  title = {Measurement & Multilevel Modeling Lab: Regression with Julia!},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}